Laser range finder related issues

1. What is the principle of using infrared ranging or laser ranging?

The principle of distance measurement can be summed up to the time required to measure the light from the target, and then the distance D is calculated by the speed of light c = 299792458m / s and the atmospheric refraction coefficient n. As the direct measurement time is more difficult, usually determine the phase of the continuous wave, known as phase measuring range finder. Of course, there are pulsed range finder, typically WILD's DI-3000. It is important to note that the phase measurement does not measure the phase of the infrared or laser, but rather the phase of the signal modulated on the infrared or laser. The construction industry has a hand-held laser range finder for housing measurement, and its working principle is the same.

2. Is the plane of the object to be measured perpendicular to the light?

Usually precision ranging requires full reflection of the prism, and the housing measuring rangefinder, directly to the smooth wall reflection measurement, mainly because the distance is relatively close to the light reflected back to the signal strength is large enough. With this you can know that must be vertical, otherwise the return signal is too weak to get a precise distance.

3. If the measured object plane is diffuse reflection is it possible?

Usually can be, the actual project will use thin plastic plate as a reflective surface to solve the problem of serious diffuse reflection.

4. What is the difference between ultrasonic ranging and laser ranging?

Ultrasonic distance measurement accuracy is relatively low, and now rarely used. Laser rangefinder accuracy of up to 1 mm error, suitable for a variety of high-precision measurement purposes.

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